Year 9 Options Evening
It's time to decide what you're going to study in Years 10 and 11. As you'll see, you have some important choices to make.
Please try to bear two things in mind:
- Your Options must be the right ones for you
- It is important when choosing your range of subjects to keep your options open, to aim for a balanced set of subjects which will equip you for your future without closing too many doors too soon.
Think carefully about the subjects that you intend to follow, ask the advice of your teachers, because they not only know you, they also know the sort of demands each course will make on you.
This is an important time for you, but remember, you are not being asked to decide all on your own. Talk to your parents, ask your tutor & teachers via your Google classrooms, if you are in contact with any students taking GCSE courses - you could talk to them. Especially those who may be taking the course you intend to follow.
Options Meeting Presentation from Mr Reid:
Questions and queries can also be emailed to
Please click here for a letter from our Careers & Futures Coordinator - Natalie Gray. She can be contacted with any queries you or your parents may have.
Information for students with Special Education needs can be found HERE
The information linked to this webpage explains the range of subjects available; the first thing you should do is go through each page carefully.
We can divide your course into two parts:
- CORE SUBJECTS - These are subjects that everybody has to do. Subjects that lead to a qualification (English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science) and additional subjects that are part of the curriculum (PE, Philosophy & Ethics).
- OPTIONS SUBJECTS - Subjects where you have a choice of what you study. You have to choose three (3) in total.
Below are links to videos and information about the different subjects available to choose for your OPTIONS & also some information about the CORE subjects you will study.
- Art
- Business & Enterprise
- Computer Science
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- Geography
- Health & Social Care
- History
- Music
- Music Technology
- Performing Arts - Acting & Dance Pathway available.
- Photography
- Product Design (D&T)
- Religious Studies
- Sport
- Travel & Tourism
- Triple Science (& Statistics) - Students studying Triple Science have been pre-selected by the Science Department.
Please click here for the Google Form to submit your options choices. This should be done via your school Google Account so that student details can be verified against your email address.
The deadline to complete this form is Thursday 28th March 2024. No choices will be processed before this date.
You will receive an email with your responses. This is not a confirmation that the students have been allocated these subjects.
After Thursday 28th March, option groups will be organised and finalised towards the end of the Summer Term.
The majority of students will receive all or most of their choices, but until the process is finalised we cannot be sure who and how many students will need to choose a reserve/s.
Where there are concerns or problems over choices, students will be interviewed by Mr Reid, Deputy Headteacher and parents will be consulted if a reserve choice option is not available.
If a subject is over-subscribed we will take into account a student’s level of performance during KS3.
This will include looking at Attitude to Learning Grades and we will consult with staff.